About Us
The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Singapore (SNAMES) is a professional body that originated from its precursor – the Society of Naval Architects (formed in 1973). In 1981, the Society of Naval Architects reconstituted its constitution by co-opting the Marine Engineers.
The objectives of SNAMES are to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information on the practical and scientific aspects of design, construction, operation, repairs and maintenance of marine machinery, structures and vessels and related fields as well as improvement of marine machinery, structures and vessels and all that specially appertains to them. As the professional body furthering the interests of technical professionals, SNAMES drives efforts that are of professional importance relating to Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, their education and training. SNAMES has about 200 individual members and 13 Corporate Partners – companies involved in the marine and offshore engineering sector- e.g. marine services, insurance, brokers, financing, recruiters, ship owners, to provide our members with a wholistic marine networking platform.
SNAMES actively organize technical talks as well as joint Continuing Education and Training (CET) courses with the Institute of Higher Learning (IHL) to keep our members abreast with the current trends and movement in our maritime industry and is also the only maritime society that is a U-Associate (UA) Partner with NTUC where SNAMES members can enjoy the valuable networking opportunities across the different industries of NTUC UA Partners and Eco-system. Most important of all to develop and curate joint training programs to upskill our members.
View the list of our past and current SNAMES Presidents & Vice-Presidents since year 1982.
Find out more about Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers Singapore.
Council Members
Introducing our current council members from SNAMES.
Chua Chor Teck Memorial
All about Mr Chua Chor Teck (1939 – 1986).